Once upon a time
There was a boy called Max he was very brave. One day he sneezed very loudly and blowed his roof down and went on the Moon and landed back on another country, it was a miracle. Mum was screaming and crying all day long. Max thought to go to someones door and knock on the door when he was walking he saw some police it was kind of like his town police. When the police was near bye in the cafe he saw max walking. The police was gaining speed on him. He gently asked the boy if you want to come with me and I'll give you some chocolate. The boy said ok I will come. Instead of the boy getting chocolate he got in some hidings. Max he was crying he was missing his Mum at England. The police let him go. So he went to the cafe where he landed.
Going back
When Max sneezed again he went back where he sneezed he landed on his house roof. The roof broke when he land on the roof. Mum went outside to see what was happening. Mum got shocked seeing Max. Max was so happy seeing Mum again.
Crying and hoping
Every day Mum reads a book to Max at night. before Max going to school he always kissed Mum. Mum drove Max to school. And at lunch time mum dropped his lunch at the office.
After school
After school Max went home walking. Today Mum did not come pick him up. When he open the door he saw blood on the taking it to the bathroom. When he saw mum she was dead. Max could not believe it.
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