
Friday, April 4, 2014


The Taipan is one of the most poisonous snake in the world. The female taipan lays 10-20 eggs after mating (the action of animals coming together to breed; copulation).

Taipan can get longer longer than 2.5M. Some are really big. Some a dark brown and some are creamery there are different types of Tipan.

Taipans have very good eyesight and what they smell. It is Similar to an Anaconda. Taipans are not the largest and the heaviest snakes, Actually the Anaconda is the largest and the heaviest snakes.

They eat small animals such as rats, birds and bandicoots. bandicoots are similar to rats and mouse. They mostly eat rats, bandicoots and quolls.

Taipan lives in dry, open forests. Some taipans live in the hot part of Australia. the common one is mostly found in The more common one found in the far north of Australia, in Queensland.

Snakes generally avoid people, they rarely strike us, unless they are threatened. They should not be out haunted and killed.

Taipans are not my favorite snakes. My favorite snake is anaconda, because the are huge. Taipans are very vicious. There are 4 different types of anaconda. Luckily they are not endangered.

1 comment:

  1. Hi! My name is Jessica and I'm a student at the University of South Alabama in Mobile, Alabama, in the United States. I had never heard of a Taipan before I read your post! I think snakes are very interesting. Where I'm from, we have a lot of rivers and we have to be careful of Water Moccasins. They are very poisonous snakes that swim. We call them cotton mouths because the inside of their mouth is white like cotton. Hopefully we can keep all of the interesting species of snakes from being endangered!


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